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Let us see, what fruits help you last longer in bed if you have been experiencing issues like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation: 1. Does Watermelon Help You Last Longer in Bed? Antioxidants and amino. What diet should males follow to improve sexual stamina? A diet rich in meats, avocados, and fruits like apples and watermelon can help improve sexual stamina by providing essential nutrients and improving blood flow. Studies link several daily servings of apples, cherries, berries, citrus fruits, grapes, and/or watermelon with a 14% reduction in erectile dysfunction (ED) 1,2. Sexual. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is beneficial for sexual health and may reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Some beneficial foods include spinach, carrots, and. Texts of Ayurveda recommend various fruits which increase shukra dhatu, the key factor for sexual health. These are recommended in the diet of vajikarana therapy Here goes the list of 5 super dry fruits and nuts. No, there arent penis enlargement foods, but there are plenty of proteins, fruits, vegetables, and carb sources that can boost penis blood flow and sexual health overall.